Videos and slideshows
Importance of crop wild relatives
Crop wild relatives are the unrecognized and often unnoticed backbone of plant breeding programmes. Toby Hodgkin, Principal Scientist at Bioversity, explains the significance of crop wild relatives and the struggle to conserve them.
Genebank procedures
Click on the left to view videos on the different genebank procedures
Preparing regeneration
This video made by ILRI shows how to prepare seeds for regeneration.
Preparing seeds for regeneration (9.5 MB)
Distribution of germplasm
This video made by ILRI shows distribution of germplasm at ILRI.
Distribution of germplasm at ILRI (17 MB)
The videos made by ILRI show procedures of characterization.
Pressing herbarium samples in the field (6.5 MB)
Plant characterization (14 MB)