Germplasm health testing validation data for potato

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Contributors to this section: CIP, Lima, Peru (Carols Chuquillanqui, Segundo Fuentes, Ivan Manrique, Giovanna Muller, Willmer Pérez, Reinhard Simon, David Tay, Liliam Gutarra); CIP, Nairobi, Kenya (Ian Barker); FERA, UK (Derek Tomlinson, Julian Smith, David Galsworthy, James Woodhall).

Potato germplasm health testing

The protocol for health testing of potato material has been modified to increase the range of viruses tested and to reduce the risk of any disease escape. The main improvement is the testing in two different growing conditions (in vivo and in vitro) along with the addition of a “b” test for some viruses (either additional ELISA or additional host range species) and improvements in the host range inoculation buffer. The growing out of a potato plant to beyond flowering also permits the observation of any symptoms on the original host. During 2007, a total of 542 potato accessions were re-classified as HS2 following the new testing procedure. A validation process was also undertaken of the methodology being applied to determine the health status using material known to be infected with various pathogens.

Click here to download a publication on potato germplasm health testing.

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